REMU manufactures innovative earthmoving attachments, including screening, crushing, and padding buckets. Besides material handling attachments, we also manufacture pontoon undercarriages for excavators to enable dredging and excavation work in the most challenging environments.
Our operations are centered around having happy customers. To achieve that goal, we want to understand what our customers need, what work they do, and what features they need from our products. Understanding our customers is a foundation for product development that is often carried out in cooperation with customers. It is no surprise that the best ideas come from the people who work with our products. We apply this understanding and in-house engineering to guarantee ongoing product development to boost performance and create value for our customers.
Quality is the cornerstone of our operations, the fruit of combining precise engineering, expert welding, and skilled mechanical staff using the best raw materials available and a constant monitoring process. We are proud to say that our products are made in Finland.
We also have plenty of “sisu”, a Finnish word meaning determination, grit, persistence, and willpower.
- REMU is a family-run business – we take care of our customers.
- We are kind and easy-going but always assertive.
- Honesty simplifies everything.
Some Facts:
- Headquarters are located in Ähtäri, Finland.
- Established in 1997.
- Products are engineered and manufactured in Finland while only some components are imported.
- Approximately 95% of turnover comes from exports.
- 60% of turnover comes from bucket attachments and 40% from our line of pontoon undercarriages.

First steps
- The first trommel screens were manufactured in the 80s, designed by Esa Ahopelto, Mauri Kuhmonen and Ossi Rissanen.
- The development of screening buckets started & the first prototypes were manufactured at the beginning of the 90s.
- Remu Oy began to develop business in international markets.

Improving capabilities
- Mr Ossi Rissanen with his business associates established REMU Oy (previously known as ST-Tekniikka).
- The company’s main business was subcontracting metal structures.
- Continuous work to develop a screening bucket product line.
- Utilization of blade screening technology in our Combi screening plants.

Enabling growth
- Rapid growth of the company.
- Expansion of the operation to Lehtimäki and Virrat in addition to Ähtäri.
- Continuous development of screening devices.

- Manufacturing of Big Float amphibious excavators started.
- Unique floating excavator boosts growing demand year after year.
- Continuous development of screening devices.

Changing direction
- Giving up subcontracting.
- Concentrating on manufacturing the company’s own products: screening plants, screening buckets, and amphibious excavators.
- Going Global. Exporting to France, Sweden, and Germany.

- Over the years, REMU has established subsidiaries in the USA, Germany, and Norway.
- International markets were playing a bigger and bigger role.

- The largest investment in the company’s history was the new 4000 m² production facilities.
- The owners were awarded Regional Entrepreneur of the Year by the Federation of Finnish Enterprises.

Big Float E10 launch
- A new Pontoon undercarriage, Big Float E10, was launched.

Continuous investments
- Continuous investments in production methods, automation, and robotization.

New product line
Crushing bucket is manufactured to reduce the volume of mixed demolition waste like concrete, tiles, drywall, etc.

Big Float E35 launch
- While the world was struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic, the largest pontoon undercarriage model ever made in our company, Big Float E35, was launched.