Essex based aggregate and muck away company reduce their tipping costs by 50% with a Remu screening bucket
GF Gordon (Plant Hire) are based in Purfleet, Essex providing aggregate and muck away services in London and Essex. They currently have 30 tipper trucks.

They typically get 150-200 loads of screenable material a day coming into their yard and wanted to recycle more and send less to landfill. Materials include muck away, asbestos and aggregates.
70% of the company’s business is in aggregates and 30% in muck away. The aggregates side of the business has grown due to an increased demand driven by HS2 construction. A lot of their business also comes from Windfarms, Charging Stations, and Amazon Warehouses.
In July 2022 they bought a second hand Remu Screening Bucket – a 3150 with 40mm spacing. This helped them see a 30% reduction in sending material to landfill. They didn’t know about Remu, so contacted Worsley Plant and asked for some more info on them. Matt, Worsley Plant’s Salesman for the South of the UK, set up a one-day trial. After that they were hooked.
They bought their second bucket which came with 20mm spacing later this summer. This has allowed them to screen soil to sell as a sub soil.
A lot of the sub soil has stones in it so is good for drainage. It’s used as a base by clients and then topsoil is used on top. The concrete that they separate out from the soil is now tipped for free at a site next door.
The savings the company are making as a result of investing in the Remu buckets speaks for itself. It cost them £150 to tip screenable material. With the Remu buckets they have reduced this by 50% so have saved £75 a load. They can process a 20-ton load in 20 minutes with the bucket. Also, they can sell subsoil now for £200. They also make income from other people tipping here and processing their materials.
“The Remu buckets are great for the size of our yard. It’s one operator, one lot of diesel and we can hire it out too. It’s more economical than larger screening plant. It’s also easy to maintain – we just grease it 3 times a day.” says Alex, the Group Commercial Director.
“We didn’t want to scrimp and save. We buy quality as we don’t believe in false economy. With the bucket allowing us to increase the material we can recycle; we predict it will pay for itself within a year.”
Established by Grant Gordon in 2000 Gordon’s have earned an enviable reputation for quality of service as a specialist company in a niche sector offering a range of services including Enabling Works, Piling Attendance, Plant Hire & Muck Away. Today they have grown to have 30 tipper lorries.

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Essex based aggregate and muck away company reduce their tipping costs by 50% with a Remu screening bucket
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