Clearing Reeds and Bushes | Remu Big Float E15
Preparing the construction of a bridge in agricultural/natural terrain over water. A swampy area beside a river had to be cleared of reeds and bushes before the end of February 2020.
Method: Twenty-seven square meters of Klosterbugten baywas searched for Pacific oysters as part of a research project.
Big Float E15 Amphibious Excavator : Preparing the construction of a bridge in agricultural/natural terrain over water.
Job: A swampy area beside a river had to be cleared of reeds and bushes before the end of February.
The date was fixed by The Nature Conservation Authority to ensure there were no breeding birds there at the time.
Access to the area was only possible on a narrow, soaked dam, and across a field with a soft surface, after weeks of rain.
- Conventional methods with a standard excavator: 5 days, including steel sheet covering over the area that the excavator would be working, and a partial covering of the dam. Most of the time was calculated to prepare the site and take off the sheets after the job. Necessary machines would have been; excavators,trucks, and a crane.
- Offer with Big Float: 2.5 days at half the price of the conventional method.

The job was completed in one day with a Hitachi BF E15 using a tilt and rotating head, and a reeds grapple in combination with a Takeuchi and sorting grapple. The reeds and bush material were taken from the dam to a Takeuchi crawler dumper. By using the Hitachi BF E15, no steel plates were required, alleviating the need to setup in the evening prior to the job, or take down in the evening after the job.

The area was fully cleaned, and there were no serious environmental damages on the dam or in the agricultural areas.

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Clearing Reeds and Bushes | Remu Big Float E15
Big Float E10 | Searching For Pacific Oysters As Part Of A Research Project